Power world simulator features pdf
Power world simulator features pdf

power world simulator features pdf

  • Add geological/planetary events: volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, climate change, etc.
  • Add oceanic current. These will have an effect on climates, fishing and maritime routes.
  • Improve the world generation process to add more geological features and adhere to the theory of plate tectonics.

  • Mod Support: You can create and add mods to customize or add biomes, add layers, add region elements, and even add or modify discoveries to be made by the humans of your worlds.
  • You can take over polity factions and have some level of influence on events that happen to them.
  • Multiple map modes and overlays that will allow you to observe how human groups differ from each other on multiple aspects, from population densities to cultural attributes and technological advancements.
  • Each which might in turn develop its own language and culture.
  • Population groups can join and form basic political and territorial entities (polities).
  • Populations in different places grow and evolve, diverging socially and technologically over time under the influence of environmental factors and interactions with other cultures.
  • Humanity starts from a single place on the map, either chosen by you or random, and spreads all over the world, adapting along the way to the diverse environments.
  • Or use a brush to tweaks individual attributes on each cell.
  • A map editor that allows you to modify the terrain in multiple ways: Offset the global seal levels, temperatures and global rainfall.
  • An alternate 3D globe visualization of the map with a simulated, cosmetic day/night cycle.
  • Biomes, like deserts, forests, and rivers, are assigned to each cell based on its specific climate.


    A 2D cell-based terrain generator that creates continent-based worlds with semi-realistic temperature, rainfall patterns, and drainage basins.The objective here is to start playing and start gaining some intuition.'Worlds' is a simulator intended to recreate human history all the way from its origins in alternate world settings. I do not expect you to “know” what is going on in a power flow case. Pose one or two explanations of what is happening in the system as you make these changes and as the system responds to your changes. State why the results are unexpected or non-intuitive. State what you did, perhaps with an annotated figure of the one-line diagram to aid your explanation. Find one (or two related) things to change on this system that lead to unexpected, or non-intuitive results. The real power generation/load is shown at each bus, while the per unit reactance of each of the lines (on a 100MVA base) is shown in yellow.

    power world simulator features pdf

    What is the significance of the reactive power output of a generator, to the owner of the generator? … to the power system? (very brief comments) (Note: To change the generator 2 voltage set point first select Tools, Play to begin the power flow simulation and then click on the up/down arrows on the bus 2 magenta voltage set point field.) 3. Plot the reactive power output of the generator at Bus 2 as a function of its voltage set point value in 0.005 pu voltage steps over the range between its lower limit of -50MVAr and its upper limit of +50MVAr. Load PowerWorld Simulator case Problem 6_46. Briefly comment on the meaning and/or significance of these losses and interpret your plot.

    power world simulator features pdf

    Plot the real and reactive line losses as Qcap is varied between 0 and 10.0 MVArs. Why would a consumer be interested in the results of (a) and/or (b) above? (very brief comment) e. Why would a power company be interested in the results of (a) and/or (b) above? (very brief comment) d. State what “MVA power flow into the feeder” actually is. State/show how you determine the MVA power flow into the feeder. Include a screen shot of the PowerWorld one-line diagram for this value of Qcap. What value of Qcap minimizes the MVA power flow into the feeder? i. State/show how you determine the real power line losses. What value of Qcap minimizes the real power line losses? i. The load is compensated with a capacitor whose output, Qcap, can be varied in 0.5 MVAr steps between 0 and 10.0 MVArs. This system has an 8 MW/4 MVAr load that is supplied at 13.8 kV through a feeder with an impedance of 1 + j2Ω. Open Problem 2_32 (in chapter 2 of the GSSampleCases folder, in the Simulator folder).

    power world simulator features pdf

    Using the PowerWorld Simulator, do the following three problems.

    Power world simulator features pdf